Expert Window Cleaning Company in W14 Kensington

Window cleaning in Kensington W14The window cleaning Kensington W14 procedure is not an average or easy task to perform. Whether you have greasy windows at home, or quite high windows in your working space, relying on a professional window cleaning company is always the better idea. You can now check out our efficient, fast and secured window cleaning service! Invite the diligent and expert window cleaning company Kensington W14 in your domestic or commercial space. They can easily and safely remove the spots and restore the shininess at once. Give us a call at  020 3404 1646 . Reach our kind customer support representatives and ask for a free expert consultation right away.

  • 24/7 friendly, English speaking customer support services
  • Flexible schedules, no payment in advance
  • Budget-friendly rates, no hidden fees

Only Eco-Friendly Detergents Used In Our Home & Office Window Cleaning Service!

The risk of handing from high buildings is not the only secured measure we provide. We have also excluded all the classical toxins of the sanitizing procedures today. Our comprehensive domestic & commerical window cleaning Kensington W14 service does not use any liquid detergents, toxic products or oil-based remedies that might spoil the windows. We sanitize the windows with ordinary purified water. Thus, no streaks or spots remain on the windows, but they still get shiny and sparkling clean. Keep in mind that if sill are reachable enough, we clean them, too And if required, the enthusiastic window cleaners will wipe and brush the windows from the inside, too.

Window Cleaners Kensington W14 Ready To Clean The Entire City`s Windows!

Our modern window cleaning service is made to respond to any customer`s needs. So regardless what type of windows you have preferred for your house or commercial building, the motivated and skillful window cleaners will handle the task. We clean conservatory, French, double and single, sash, small bay and garden windows. All the window cleaners Kensington W14 RDA Cleaning & Maintenance Ltd. has hired are experienced, trustworthy, educated and well-trained. They are insured and fully vetted. The cleaning teams are generous and kind. They always provide you with a final free window cleaning tip, too! Invite the enthusiastic window cleaners and relax, while they are making your home or office windows shine bright like diamonds again.

Services Provided

All the services we provide are of the highest quality done by a team of expert and vetted window cleaners.

Cleaning of External Windows

The Fed Pole method.

  • This method allows us to reach highs of 22 meters or otherwise said the third floor of a building without any troubles. The pole is attached to a water supply in our van.
  • This method is way quicker and provides better results than the traditional ladder method.
  • The purified water is pumped from a tank through the hose and up the inside of the pole before jetting it out from the brush-head. The water removes all the dirt and safely washes it away by moving brush head across the window. After the entire window is completely brushed, the pole is then lifted away and a final spray of water is being done thus giving it a final rinse.
  • When the window dries out in a natural way there will be no residual minerals left thanks due to the fact that the water is completely pure.

Internal Window Cleaning

For this type of service, we use the traditional squeegee and ladder method if needed. Despite it takes some time it gets the job done.

Kensington W14 Winodw Cleaning - Hire The Best!

So If you wish to use the window cleaning Kensington W14 services of a company that guarantees:

  • No invasion of privacy
  • Special discounts on advance booking and more

,then pick up the phone and dial 020 3404 1646 or make use of our online booking form. With this, you can select a date and time which will be best suited for you and your needs.